Salumificio Valpolicella. Today, as in times gone by.
Salumificio Valpolicella was founded long ago as a small pig farm nestled in the heart of the Valpolicella district.
Life was simple, governed by the cycle of nature and the hard but rewarding work of farming the land; animal husbandry activities followed the seasons, from the litter throughout the growing process the pigs were fed and reared with care and dedication by all members of the family in accordance with the traditions of time gone by.
Day after day, farm by farm, and production process by production process, with the passage of time the initial small pork butchery business gradually expanded and evolved.
Techniques were refined from generation to generation and the production output increased to keep pace with rising demand. The business began to assume a more structured form and the pork butchery activity became increasingly diversified.
Very soon, the small family-run concern had evolved into a centre of excellence of classic Italian specialities, able to move in step with the times and evolve to meet the demands of an increasingly diversified and selective market.
Wondering about the secret behind our success? Alas, we have no secrets or jealously guarded alchemical formulas to discover.
There’s only the miracle of love, repeated day after day with our painstaking work conducted strictly in keeping with tradition, where the only rules that apply are the slow and atavistic laws of nature, and where each of our animals is nurtured and reared with care and dedication from the time of its birth.
So if we have a magical formula, it’s the formula of love leading to a happy ending.
The happy ending of a story that started more than a century ago and that is destined to be told for many years to come.
From long ago right up to the present: Valpolicella.
Every story has a magical place where it had its beginnings and where it continues to be told. A perfect spot, a place of promises that are renewed and traditions handed down from generation to generation.
Every story needs a home in which it can be preserved and nurtured.
It’s no different for Salumificio Valpolicella.
Dedicated to viticulture since long ago and home to some of the most prestigious grape varieties in the panorama of Italian wines, Valpolicella is an enchanting district blessed by a mild and temperate climate, where an endless succession of vineyards and cherry orchards are interrupted only by a series of valleys watered by bubbling streams. The historic legacy of the area is confirmed by the presence of impressive renaissance villas, antique churches and charming old farmhouses dotted throughout the landscape.

Tales of production chains
When the first pig farm was set up in Valpolicella in the early 1900s, all members of the founding family made an important pledge: they would take care of each animal with love and dedication, constantly monitoring their health, assuring them the best possible nutrition, and respecting the natural growth times to maturity. And future generations of the family followed suit with exactly the same pledge.
Today, as in the past, nothing has changed: Salumificio Valpolicella uses the same rearing methods as those of the past, applying exclusively ethical and virtuous farming practices.
The key role in all our stories: our products.
The delicacy and freshness of our cooked hams, the intense and enticing flavours of our Italian sausages, the fragrance of spices and aroma of our salumi and the unique and distinctive flavours of our speciality products: the unrivalled protagonists of this one hundred year-old story are the products that bear the Salumificio Valpolicella brand name.
The flexibility of our production process allows us to offer extremely CUSTOMISED advisory services and product formulations.
The perfect solution for clients seeking a UNIQUE product, created specifically for their business and their customers
Stories to savour.
Bring the quality of Salumificio Valpolicella products to your table and pamper your guests with exquisite and creative recipes.
Each recipe is a story to be savoured… why not share your own?
Roast cotechino
Ingredients: 1 cotechino 300 g. pork meat, cut into one slice at least 1 cm thick. 100 g. sliced pancetta 50 g. dried porcini mushrooms 50 g. butter 2 spoons oil ½ glass [...]
Cooked ham and artichoke rolls
Ingredients (for 6 people): 600 g veal fillet 200 g cooked ham 3 sliced artichokes 80 g butter Salt Preparation Cut the meat into thin slices and beat. Lay over a slice [...]
Ham and mascarpone paté
Ingredients (for 6 people): 600 g veal fillet 200 g cooked ham 3 sliced artichokes 80 g butter Salt Preparations Cut the meat into thin slices and beat. Lay over a [...]
Interested in playing a part in our story? Just write in or call so we can start the conversation!